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Kenya becomes 'favoured' global BPO market, says Sama

By , Kenya Correspondent
Kenya , 29 Aug 2024
The East African country continues to expand its BPO market share amid digital economic growth.
The East African country continues to expand its BPO market share amid digital economic growth.

Kenya is becoming as a significant Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) destination, with projected revenues of $254 million this year.

This is according to senior industry executive, as the East African country continues to expand its BPO market share amid digital economic growth.

Wendy Gonzales, CEO of US-based BPO provider Sama, stated the company with its $500 million in global business services revenues, Kenya was leading among emerging markets including Ghana, Mauritius, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal and Zimbabwe.

During a public talk on Generative AI at the University of Nairobi, she predicted that Kenya would become the leading source of digital employment opportunities at present growth rates, resulting in a favourable local economic ripple effect.

“Kenya has made very good headway amidst stiff competition and must avoid complacency by guarding its market positioning and providing an enabling environment to further deepen the GBS market opportunity,” Gonzalez said.

She said Kenya was a preferred destination due to the quality of human capital that is versatile enough to serve various market segments, including Generative AI, thanks to digital training and academic progress.

“Several countries are, however, fighting hard to edge Kenya out of its growth track, which necessitates close attention to secure market positioning,” Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez forecast that by 2030, an estimated 50 percent to 55 percent of jobs in Kenya will require digital skills.

“Yet there are significant gaps in basic and advanced digital skills—particularly in rural areas and among women,” she said.

John Tanui, Principal Secretary for ICT and the Digital Economy noted that Generative AI alone could add between $2,6 and $4,4 trillion annually to the global economy.

“To bring some of this growth to Kenya, the government is establishing policies and frameworks that foster innovation and invest in research and development while protecting the rights and interests of all citizens, following the principles of ethical AI development and usage,” he said.

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