Simon Carpenter

Real-world data – a game-changer for healthcare cloud computing

Africa's greatest opportunity lies in being able to leverage the combination of technologies.
Christopher Tredger

Allegations have had a profound impact - SAP

Investigations to date have uncovered indications of misconduct related to management of Gupta-related third parties.
Sep 28, 2017

Combination of tech can combat rise of super bugs

Simon Carpenter, Chief Technology Advisor at SAP Africa, believes a significant contribution to the advance of science is a cloud-based, in-memory computing platform running advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities.
Aug 22, 2017

Why a Platform and Ecosystem may be crucial to your Exponential Future

Simon Carpenter, Chief Technology Advisor, SAP Africa, says tomorrow, technologies will vastly different and data will be the fuel rather than coal -a but the concept of a platform remains a crucial part of the architecture for digital success.

Business as usual says SAP Africa

Company's Chief Technology Advisor speaks frankly about investigation into the company and the strategy going forward.
Sep 29, 2016

SAP announces €2bn IoT investment

Company is confident Africa will benefit from the plan, backed by new solutions and acquisitions.
Feb 27, 2014

SAP reveals African data centre plans

Top executive Björn Goerke talks of how the software firm is certifying local partners.