Digital rights campaigners demand favourable laws, policies
Paradigm Initiative (PIN) and Association for Progressive Communications (APC) say while some progress has been made across Africa, governments still have a lot to do.
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Shaping the value chain of scholarly publishing in Africa
Sabinet is committed to being a partner for African publishers by adding value and providing support to the publishers making use of its platform.
Africa offline... 2019 has civil rights groups worried
Organisations bemoan ongoing shutdowns in Zimbabwe, Sudan, DRC and Gabon.
Internet shutdowns cost Sub-Saharan Africa US$237m since 2015
Report released at FIFAfrica17 says since 2015 there have been state-initiated internet disruptions in at least 12 countries in the region.
Media bodies urge rethink on SA cyber security bill
Proposed legislation will 'create a chilling environment' for freedom of expression, access to information claims Association for Progressive Communications.
Nigeria's Communications Commission under new leadership
Speculation that Dr. Eugene Juwah's exit linked to political ramifications during recent general election.