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Kenya pledges to keep the internet on despite protests

By , Kenya Correspondent
Kenya , 25 Jun 2024
Aggrieved Kenyan youths have using social media to mobilise.
Aggrieved Kenyan youths have using social media to mobilise.

Amid ongoing protests in Kenya, East Africa's largest economy has declared that it will not shut down the internet.

The East African country is facing protests from the so-called Generation Z movement over the Finance Bill, which critics believe increases the tax burden on individuals.

Aggrieved youths have using social media to mobilise. Typically, African countries suppress the internet in order to quell such protests.

However, Kenya's Communications Authority (CA) pledged that it will not interfere with the internet ahead of the fresh polls set for Tuesday (today).

"For the avoidance of doubt, the authority has no intention whatsoever to shut down internet traffic or interfere with the quality of connectivity," said CA Kenya's director general and CEO, David Mugonyi.

He argued that such acts would be a betrayal of the Constitution, freedom of expression, and Kenya's character.

"Further, such actions would sabotage our fast-growing digital economy as internet connectivity supports thousands of livelihoods across the country," Mugonyi told reporters.

However, CA Kenya has advised Kenyans to use the internet in a way that respects everyone and adheres to the law.

President William Ruto's Kenya Kwanza coalition is facing its most difficult challenge since taking office in 2022.

John Tanui, principal secretary: state department for Information and communication technology and digital economy, stated, "Gen Z has highlighted real concerns, which we are committed to hearing in order to better inform government action. This is the most talented and tech-savvy demographic.

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