Angola's Unitel invests US$25m in 5G network upgrade

Angola’s largest mobile phone operator Unitel has invested US$25-million in technology innovation and digital upgrades as part of its modernisation programme to prepare for the launch of 5G services in the country.

The company said the upgrades will allow enable the consolidation of extended services, allow for more devices to access mobile internet and make the company’s services more available in urban areas.

It added that the modernisation programme will improve access to 3G, 4G and 4.5G services.

According to the company, radio equipment is being installed in more than 400 cell sites and that the completion of the initial three provinces (Luanda, Bengela and Cuaza Sul) project is set for December 2021 and that other provinces will follow.

Recently, the company said it intends to launch the 5G network but bemoaned the slow process of spectrum allocation by the Angolan Institute of Communications (Inacom).

Once spectrum is secured, Unitel will roll out 5G in phases.

In April this year, Unitel and Ericsson signed a three year framework agreement for the supply of Ericsson Radio System solutions as well as core solutions and related services.

According to the agreement, Ericsson will deliver a transformation to Unitel’s existing 2G, 3G and 4G Radio Access Network (RAN) and core infrastructure and prepare the service provider for 5G services in the country.

The radio and 5G ready expansions, the company said will enable it to meet increasing data demands of customers.

Amilcar Safeca, Administrator and CTO at Unitel said, “We are committed to providing the residents and businesses in Angola with the best telecommunication services. Our strategic goal is to stay at the forefront of customer experience.

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