Cisco launches Mobile IQ in Kenyan market

Cisco launches Mobile IQ in Kenyan market

The Mobile IQ service which was launched globally during the Mobile World Congress in March is now available for Kenyan companies to help them make sense of customer trends on mobile internet.

Cisco says that the advanced service is hosted on Cisco Cloud Services and provides advanced insights and a view of network activity on Wi-Fi, 3G and LTE in real time.

"Service providers can identify and capitalise on new business opportunities and deliver exciting new experiences to their customers using a flexible, as a Service consumption model," the company said.

According to Cisco the technology offers insights into indoor and outdoor mobile user behaviours, such as location paths and social media activity.

Such data could be useful for mobile advertisers and those providing internet connections to mobile devices. The data can also be used in other verticals such as research.

Sabrina Dar, Cisco General Manager for East Africa, said this service will enable companies know their customers behaviours better and drive profits.

"Mobility IQ is a great example of Cisco executing on its service provider strategy in Kenya enabling our customers to drive profitable business outcomes through transformation," she added.

"Service providers have traditionally had access to the data intrinsic to their networks. However, as they scale services, this insight becomes fragmented across technology silos, and they often have limited visibility into indoor and business networks, where their customers most frequently consume mobile services," Cisco said in a statement. With this service, such limitations will no longer be a hurdle for companies.

Cisco will make the service available through their certified partners.

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