
Founders invited to the Chenosis Tech Start-Up Challenge

The competition is open to all tech innovators, from early-stage start-ups to established companies looking to showcase their latest products.
Phathisani Moyo
Feb 22, 2024

MTN launches Chenosis platform in Cameroon

CEO Mitwa Ng'ambi said the launch of Chenosis is part of the company's commitment to providing digital and inclusive solutions for Cameroon's progress.
May 24, 2023

MTN Group targets 40 million SMEs across Africa

The group's suite of services, including MoMo (Mobile Money), Ayoba, and Chenosis, will be showcased a two day SME event MTN is hosting this week.
Aug 4, 2020

MTN creates API mashup with Chenosis launch

Portal has dashboards for publishers and consumers to track revenue and credit balances, view consumption analytics and API performance.