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Business Continuity Awareness Week focusses on cyber resilience

Business Continuity Awareness Week focusses on cyber resilience

Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW 15-19th May 2017) is an annual global event organised by the Business Continuity Institute(BCI) to raise awareness of the importance of business continuity and resilience.

In the recent BCI Horizon scan report cyber-attacks were identified as the top threat by Business Continuity professionals for the third consecutive year. "As the world becomes more and more digital, so do the threats that it faces. Just as we need to protect our organisations from disruptions that occur in the physical world, so it is important that we also have plans in place to deal with disruptions in the virtual world. So, it's fitting that the theme for this year's event is Cyber Resilience," says Cindy Bodenstein, Marketing Manager, ContinuitySA.

"The BCI have organised a comprehensive programme of educational events during the business continuity awareness week. ContinuitySA will be participating in the extensive webinar programme with three key speakers. Delegates can register via the URL below to view live, offering delegates the chance to ask questions or they will be recorded which gives the opportunity to watch them on demand later," she adds.

ContinuitySA Webinar One

Date: Wednesday 17th May 2016 or on demand after

Time: 11.30-12.30

Cyber Resilience - Can your organisation deliver after a cyber event crisis?

Take your mark. Get set… and go. What do you do if your organization is faced with a crisis, do you have the necessary steps and procedures to recover from a cyber-attack? 91% of APT (Advanced Persistent Threats) begin with spear phishing emails. Successfully phishing key individuals could give hackers the ‘key' to breaching security in further attacks. Hosted by Al de Brito of ContinuitySA, this webinar will cover five domains that focus on preventative, detective and reactive controls within the organization. These five domains will follow the process of identifying, protecting, detecting, responding and recovering, giving a holistic view of the full cycle of infrastructure resilience.

Speaker: Al de Brito, ContinuitySA

ContinuitySA Webinar Two

Date: Thursday 18th May 2017 or on demand after

Time: 18h00 - 19h00

Been hacked by cyber terrorists? What's your plan B?

In today's global village everyone is connected. The internet has brought billions of people together, allowing sharing of data, communication and commerce at a scale never imagined before. The value of the internet is clear for everyone to see. Unfortunately, the same internet also allows for cyber hackers and attackers to fight a new war, Cyber terrorism, theft of data and extortion. The attackers hide in plain sight. Working from homes or offices. Sometimes alone, often in syndicates. Even state sponsored cyber terrorism is on the increase.

Large cyber security companies such as firewall providers and anti-virus vendors are spending millions of US dollars in a constant battle to stay ahead of the cyber threat. Unfortunately, these measures are not always successful in preventing cyber-attacks from occurring as can be seen from recent attack against Primera Blue Cross.

So, given that no matter what you do to protect yourself against the cyber threat, you will probably be attacked or have already been attacked. You therefore need a plan B to allow your business to continue with crucial day-to-day activities after the event.

Speaker: Braam Pretorius, ContinuitySA

ContinuitySA Webinar Three

Date: Friday 19th May 2017 or on demand after

Time: 13.00-14.00

Privacy law, a catalyst for cyber resilience

Privacy laws regulate the collection, storage and use of data by organisations in many countries globally. Following the proclamation of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) Act into law in 2014, so too will these laws become applicable to South African organisations.

In this digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the way in which business is done. The objective of this topic is to explore the Cyber Security and Resilience requirements placed on organisations by privacy regulations, and the impact of Cyber Security and Resilience on Business Continuity.

This webinar will touch on the reliance placed on effective Information Security and Cyber Security solutions to ensure compliance, and explore how a breach or failure of Information Security Controls needs to be managed.

Speaker: Padma Naidoo and Philippa Chappell (ContinuitySA)

Cyber Resilience Events

In addition, ContinuitySA will be hosting a breakfast event in Johannesburg on Thursday 18th May at the Johannesburg Country Club in Woodmead and a cheese and wine event at their Tyger Valley offices in Cape Town on Tuesday 16th May which will align with the BCAW theme on Cyber resilience. For more information or to register email

Also watch out for a series of blogs from ContinuitySA during Business Continuity Awareness Week covering a spectrum of issues relating to cyber resilience. Visit

For details of the Whole Business Continuity Awareness Week programme visit

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