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MTN Group clears Ralph Mupita of misconduct allegations

By , Africa editor
Africa , 06 Sep 2024
Ralph Mupita, MTN Group president and CEO.
Ralph Mupita, MTN Group president and CEO.

MTN Group, Africa's largest telecom services provider, has cleared its CEO and president, Ralph Mupita, of any misconduct. 

This comes after the company's board reviewed media reports that several executives were planning mass resignations owing to discontent with his leadership style and allegations of favouritism.

The issue revolved around Mupita's alleged close relationship with a top, unnamed female executive at the company, which media reports said raised concerns among other C-suite executives.

According to the Sunday Times, other executives said that Mupita was attempting to move crucial duties away from them and towards this executive, resulting in claims of inappropriate conduct. 

This prompted the telco’s board to investigate the allegations and today it announced in a statement that an independent probe had cleared Mupita.

The board said: “MTN has noted the media reporting in the past few days regarding allegations of complaints against members of the Group’s executive.

“MTN shareholders are advised that the group board held a special meeting on Wednesday 4 September 2024 to deliberate on a report by an independent law firm, assisted by counsel, tasked to verify allegations contained in an anonymous complaint against members of the MTN executive."

It continued: “The independent report stated that attempts to engage with the complainant were unsuccessful and found that there was no evidence of improper conduct by those cited in the complaint.

"In its deliberations, the board accepted the report finding and is of the view that the matter has been addressed and is now closed.”

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