Mysimax pursues its path in Africa, leading the way for educative tablets
Mysimax pursues its path in Africa, leading the way for educative tablets
While developed countries already have a high rate of penetration for technological devices, there isn’t yet market saturation in emerging countries. Still, their needs are quite important, creating vast opportunities for businesses. We recently spoke with JX Paulin, a Shanghai-based entrepreneur whose company, MYSIMAX, is looking to develop, produce, and market tablets specifically designed for universities and schools in Africa.
Computerisation of African countries in the area of education is crucial for their development and integration. By allowing technology to enter African countries, a huge market is emerging; thus, creating potential opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs.
MYSIMAX is a startup that is pursuing the goal of expanding access to technology in Africa. MYSIMAX has been created by a Togolese entrepreneur who spent twenty years in China, growing successful businesses.
JX Paulin was one of the few Europeans to believe in the growth of China as a world leading power even 20 years ago, and he perceives the very same potential in Africa today. “During my twenty years working in Shanghai, half of them spent as an entrepreneur, I’ve observed the effects of technological improvements on the evolution of a country,” says Paulin. “I moved to Shanghai twenty years ago when I perceived so much dynamism and so much opportunity in this country. Today, I see the very same potential in Africa. As I am Franco-Togolese, I am also personally committed to contributing to this technological revolution in Africa.”
This is why he created MYSIMAX, to inspire and fight against knowledge poverty.
Leading the way for high-end devices in Africa
Besides need for tech development and social rise, Africa is also the next huge market for high-technology. After markets in China, Europe and North-America had been highly saturated by the end of 2013, growth has been up to 145% in developing economies, including African countries. It means there is rather a gradual change in geographical concentration of the market. Developing economies such as Africa, with lots of space for investment, unsatisfied demand and a lack of technological application, offer great opportunities for entrepreneurs.
JX Paulin asserts: “I am very confident about the expansion within Africa in the very near future. African consumers desire to enjoy the same consumption as their equals in western countries, and it would be absurd to not propose to them a customized offer. Africa cannot keep living in the paper and pencil age. The train of innovation is moving in Africa and the tactile technology can be a great symbol of this evolution if we provide our students, our administration, our hospitals… with this technology."
Nevertheless, it would be an error to enter into these markets without an effort of adaptation and understanding. It is a question of being a provider of high-quality and adapted solutions, and of giving access to the technology. And it can be possible through partnerships with local investors or communities, because it cannot address only the private individuals in such countries. It includes governments, administrations, schools and all organisations related to the public communities.
MYSIMAX’s project in Africa can become an astounding first, a symbol of Africa’s opening up to the rest of the world. It will enable countries that use its products to lead the continent in the development of new technologies and to assume leadership in a new Africa.
Contribute to social rise through high-tech
While educational infrastructure is still lacking across the continent, some interesting e-learning products are coming to the fore, including educational tablets, which are seen as a tool for social development.
MYSIMAX’s project considers that providing high-technology in Africa should enable local minds and talents to boost social rise.
"When I participated in the New York Forum Africa (in Libreville, Gabon, in May 2014), I saw many great minds. But what can great minds do without great tools?” added JX Paulin. “African students must be able to share information and to access valuable content easily. They should read about their history as it really occurred. They should have access to updated content, to cultural publications, to scientific magazines and books anywhere. Knowledge is the priority!” adds Paulin.
Therefore, the establishment of tablet devices targeting students or social services and administrations should be contributed by local authorities; it includes purchasing, supplying and teaching processes.
Overcoming challenges through partnerships and local investments
Tablets do not rely highly on existing technological equipment to support their usage, beside the electricity grid. The main issue for its development in Africa is the distribution process and the technology access of population, which must be supported by local authorities and government.
And the questions are: does each country feel ready to start the technological development process? Does tablets development can be part of the educative and social rising process in Africa? These questions are crucial for investors, such as JX Paulin, who are looking to contribute to this development and this rise.
While business sceptics are wondering whether it’s the right time to enter African market, many progressive businessmen such, as Paulin, are already settling in the developing market. It is apparent that there are still some obstacles, which make it complicated to enter the market, including slowness and unwillingness of government authorities to recognize the need for technology and innovation. However, if foreign innovative companies manage to enter the market, the outcome will be rewarding for both countries' development and entrepreneurs.
How MYSIMAX can keep growing in Africa? JX Paulin concluded by explaining his vision: “So far, we have been self-funded. It was a good experience, because it gave us the freedom and flexibility we wanted to launch our forward thinking concept. Now that we have received interest from schools and government alike, we want to push the envelope. There is so much we can do in terms of knowledge input and sharing, health and safety programs and so on. Raising funds will enable us to bring different actors into our company and widen our reaches.”
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