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AfriLabs publishes AI reports funded by the Gates Foundation

By , ITWeb
Africa , 02 Jul 2024
AfriLabs publishes AI reports financed by the Gates Foundation.
AfriLabs publishes AI reports financed by the Gates Foundation.

AfriLabs, Africa's biggest network of technology and innovation hubs, today launched two critical studies on artificial intelligence (AI) in Africa.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded the research, which provide insights into the AI start-up environment and the ethical implications of AI legislation on the continent.

The first report, Landscape Analysis of AI Startups in Africa, presents a thorough map of AI start-ups in Africa.

It classifies start-ups by their areas of focus, stages of development, and geographical distribution, presenting a clear picture of the current AI landscape. 

The study also investigates the specific obstacles and opportunities that these start-ups confront in Africa's socioeconomic climate.

The second study, Implications of AI Ethical Policies on African Innovators and Entrepreneurs, looks at how differing ethical frameworks and policies affect AI development and deployment in various African countries.

It emphasises both the good implications and potential downsides, and makes strategic recommendations to governments to guarantee that AI practices are not just ethical and linked with Africa's broader development goals, but also enabled.

According to AfriLabs, both publications address crucial knowledge gaps and have far-reaching consequences for African AI practitioners, policymakers, and researchers.

These reports are expected to inform decision-making and create a more conducive climate for AI innovation on the continent.

Nanko Madu, AfriLabs' director of programmes, emphasised the significance of these studies, saying, "The insights from these publications are crucial for understanding the changing AI landscape in Africa and the ethical issues that must guide our innovation efforts. We are grateful to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for their support, and we are convinced that these studies will be valuable tools for stakeholders across the continent.”

The full reports are available for download at the following links: Ethical Horizons: Mapping AI Policy in Africa- Startups Mapping in Africa -

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