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Cameroon deploys SchoolMap to simplify tuition payment

By , Freelance Investigative Journalist
Cameroon , 28 Aug 2024
Cameroon has set up a fully digital new platform for tuition payments at government-owned schools.
Cameroon has set up a fully digital new platform for tuition payments at government-owned schools.

Cameroon has launched a new digital platform for paying tuition at government-owned schools and settling fees for official end-of-year exams.

The government said the platform, known as SchoolMap, was launched to simplify the payment, verification, and account reconciliation processes while also mitigating the fraud and risk associated with the former payment method.

With the new system, all secondary and high school pupils in the country will be required to get a national matricule from SchoolMap, which is a unique identity and tool for detecting fraud at several levels.

Those attending government-owned schools must then pay their tuition electronically using their national matricule via one of the following digital payment operators: MTN MoMo, CAMPOST Money, Express Union Mobile Money, Orange Money, or SARA Money.

Following payment, receipts can be confirmed and generated via the SchoolMap platform.

According to Nalova Lyonga, minister of secondary education, the platform's payment verification function enables the swift detection of imposters and scammers attempting to collect money in the name of the operators.

“The goal of this initiative is to ensure security, transparency and traceability in the management of these [ tuition and exam fees] funds," Nalova said.

Students who do not switch to the new platform by December 15, 2024, will be unable to pay tuition, will be uninsured, and will not participate in school games or public examinations.

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