'It was going to affect us very adversely'- NetOne CEO
'It was going to affect us very adversely'- NetOne CEO
Mobile data prices of 12 US cents per MB, recently introduced and subsequently reversed by Zimbabwe authorities, would have affected state-owned mobile operator NetOne, according to the company's CEO.
Local operators had begun to implement the new tariffs earlier this year, but a public outcry forced the ICT Ministry to halt the process.
"It was going to affect us very adversely. As a network we are very relieved that the floor prices were reversed," Brian Mutandiro, NetOne CEO told a parliamentary committee.
Mobile operators have since reverted back to daily bundles and other promotionals.
ICT Minister Super Mandiwanzira and the Posts and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz) are expected to appear before parliament next week after requesting more time to prepare.
Mutandiro advocated for the re-instatement of promotional tariffs, arguing that this allowed the state telco to attract more subscribers.
He said the company's promotions allow it "to acquire subscribers much faster than our competition" hence NetOne was "going to lose the most" if the floor tariffs had been implemented.
Econet Wireless CEO Douglas Mboweni said mobile operators had proposed the floor tariffs as required by Potraz in order to issue a new promotional tariffs guideline.
Econet is the biggest telco in Zimbabwe with over 10 million registered subscribers, while NetOne and Telecel Zimbabwe each have approximately 3 million users.
The government - which already controls fixed phone operator TelOne and NetOne - has taken over a controlling interest in Telecel Zimbabwe. TelOne also holds the fourth mobile licence in Zimbabwe, but is not utilising it.