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End to end core banking products demonstration

Kenya Roadshow, Crowne Plaza, Nairobi - 15 March 2018

This event will give banks in the region a good indication about how Flexibility and Power has been perfected by South Atlantic Solutions in the MoneyLine Core banking Suit. It will be interactive and guaranteed to be thorough in offering efficiency in meeting the "IT" needs of banks.

[Chima Nwoko – CEO]

The Roadshow is taking place at the Crowne Plaza, Nairobi on the 19th and 20th of April 2018. We are going to do a demonstration of our End to End Core Banking Products. Registration required for attending this event.

MoneyLine is the evolution child of decades that South Atlantic Solutions has spent in the trenches with African banks especially at their roughest system life. As an end-to-end banking solutions suit, it will be very useful to any bank with a quest to derive better satisfaction and comfort from its core banking investments…

[Marizaan Van Rooyen – Senior Marketing Officer]

South Atlantic Solutions has stuck close to several African banks while going through the pangs of "IT" challenges over the past decades. It has a history of intervening to alleviate those aches through the provision of efficient modularised solutions.

The company over the years invested in advancing these solutions into an end to end suit that is futuristic in approach, flexible in design and practical in philosophy.

The MoneyLine Core Banking System covers the broad spectrum of solutions required by banks. Including Retail Banking, Corporate Banking, Treasury Banking, Online Banking, Mobile Banking, Data Intelligence and many more…

This event is useful in that it will offer a very solid option path to banks in the regions. This will reveal the very impressive extent to which the MoneyLine system is a perfect "square plug in a square hole" for banking in the continent. It will also enable discussions that will show our very balanced understanding of a prudent cost – benefit ratio should look like for African banks and their core banking systems.

This event will run for two separate days to ensure that different tiers of the banking sector experience dedicated attention tailored to their common needs.

The trend to reach unbanked masses has been a focus of South Atlantic Solutions and this will form part of the presentation on both days. This event is guaranteed to show a clear understanding of the needs of the various units of the bank and how the bank's "IT" department can enjoy better levels of satisfaction while meeting those needs.

Click here to register for our Roadshow in Kenya, we would love to see you there...

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