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Malawi's immigration moves ahead on digitisation

By , ITWeb
Malawi , 28 Mar 2019

Malawi's immigration moves ahead on digitisation

Malawi's Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services (DICS) is looking to fully digitise its operation by the end of 2019.

Techno Brain Group was awarded the contract to migrate the Department's analogue systems and facilitate e-services.

National Public Relations Officer for DICS Joseph Chauwa said with the current setup, people have to process applications and pay relevant fees in person at the Department.

All applications and payments are processed using analogue system, which requires that all documents and material be checked by several sub-departments and officials before being finalised.

The broader migration process has been split into two separate projects: e-visa and e-permit.

Chauwa added, "So far, we have started rolling out some permit applications online and soon the e-visa will also be rolled out, together with the remaining permits that are still being handled manually. The intention is that once they are fully rolled out, our applicants should be able to make payments for various fees online."

It is expected that several other government agencies, including local law enforcement, the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) and Financial Intelligence Unit, will leverage the digital system – specifically in scrutinising applicants for work permits, visitors and business licenses.

In 2018 the DICS procured a US$35-million contract to upgrade the Passport Issuance System (PIS) and Introduction of the Electronic Passport.

Two Trees Investments, a joint venture with Belgian firm ZETES, secured this contract.

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