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New Cape Verde Tech Park empowers African youth

By , Senior contributor
Africa , 08 Jul 2024
When completed, it will have the capacity to host over 1,000 innovators and employees.
When completed, it will have the capacity to host over 1,000 innovators and employees.

The Cape Verde Tech Park for young people has quickly established itself as a thriving technological hub, exceeding expectations after less than a year of operation.

The African Development Bank Group funded the Technology Park's construction with a total of €45.59 million.

Over the following three years, the park hopes to cooperate with international universities and firms to provide soft skills training to 300 African youth.

The IT hub intends to help young people prepare for employment opportunities created as a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

When completed, it will be able to accommodate more than 1,000 innovators and employees.

It is planned to serve as a model for other African countries, demonstrating how targeted investment in digital infrastructure can encourage economic diversification while also providing chances for young people.

During a recent visit, a high-level donor team led by the African Development Bank praised the West African country's Tech Park, citing its rapid growth, full occupancy, and importance in diversifying the country's economy.

The group was particularly pleased by the Park's thriving startup culture, which is cultivated through frequent events and lectures.

Dr. Joseph Martial Ribeiro, the Bank Group's deputy director general for the West Africa Region, commended Cape Verde Tech Park's progress during his visit last week.

He said: "This project demonstrates that well-designed initiatives which adopt an ecosystem approach by integrating critical elements of the digital economy, can achieve remarkable success, even in small island nations."

Gilson Pina, Cape Verde's director of planning, thanked the African Development Bank for supporting the country's technological agenda.

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