Tech hub

New Cape Verde Tech Park empowers African youth

The IT hub intends to help young people prepare for new jobs created as a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Phathisani Moyo

Sahara Ventures to introduce Tanzanian angel investor fund

As part of his ambitions to form an angel investment fund, Sahara Ventures CEO discussed the startup environment with ITWeb Africa for this story.
Aug 13, 2012

Tech hub 'icecairo' aims to turn Egypt green

Launched earlier this year, icecairo is an offshoot of the successful ICT hub, iceaddis, in Ethiopia.
Jul 12, 2012

Addis Ababa tech hub takes off

Ethiopian innovation centre, called ‘iceaddis’, is housed inside renovated shipping containers.
Jun 8, 2012

Joburg township gets tech hub

Project could bring modern ICT infrastructure to Alexandra, north of Johannesburg.