Justin Asher

Africa’s most innovative countries look to boost 570-million internet user base

WIPO’s GII 2022 report names Botswana, Kenya, Morocco and South Africa as among the continent’s most innovative countries.
Christopher Tredger
Jan 9, 2023

African Tech Voices: Lessons for launching an African Fintech in 2023

Despite the proliferation of African Fintech start-ups, opportunities to solve numerous financial roadblocks across the continent exist says Justin Asher, Head of Strategy & Marketing at Upnup.
Oct 10, 2022

How to spot a crypto scam

Cryptocurrency scams, as well as organised and financial crimes such as money laundering or crypto laundering, are on the rise across Africa - particularly in South Africa says Justin Asher, Head of Marketing and Strategy at upnup.
Jul 26, 2022

African Tech Voices: What do upcoming cryptocurrency regulations mean for your investment?

Measures should benefit both consumers and legitimate cryptocurrency companies, given that they’re specifically aimed at bad actors says Justin Asher, upnup Head of Strategy & Marketing.