NEC invests in XON for regional growth

The multinational IT service provider has invested in the sub-Saharan African IT company to accelerate African regional growth.
Staff Writer
Nov 9, 2017

NEC/XON's sixth annual summit launches CDOC, Africa's only integrated physical and cyber security

XON and NEC's sixth annual summit in Cape Town on November 6 before AfricaCom launched the joint Cyber Defence Operation Centre (CDOC), the only such facility from a single service provider in Africa that offers end-to-end physical and cyber defence services.
Nov 1, 2017

Pan-African XON turns 21 bolstered by $30bn shareholder

XON, the pan-African systems integrator closely aligned with NEC, celebrates 21 years of business that has culminated in a major solution for one of Africa's biggest economic, social, and political issues to date.
Mar 15, 2017

Wingu revamp redefines cloud in Africa

Wingu, Africa's first Ubuntu-certified public cloud computing platform and wholly-owned subsidiary of XON, the sub-Sahara African ICT group, has revamped its cloud service to cater for 18 months of operational experience.