Safaricom, KEWI deploy smart water metering in tech skills drive

Peter Ndegwa, CEO Safaricom.

Safaricom has partnered with the Kenya Water Institute (KEWI) to deploy smart water metering at local campuses, the Institute of Nairobi and Kitui, to hasten the practical training of students.

Smart water metering is a technology for measuring, monitoring and managing water consumption through a system of smart water meters remotely connected over a wireless network to a platform.

Smart water meters at the core of the operations are devices that can accurately and automatically measure and transmit over a network real-time statistics of water usage, water leakages and tamper alerts.

Safaricom and KEWI are deploying the system, which leverages the Internet of Things, a drive aiming to develop skills to manage the technology.

“Safaricom is committed to its vision of being a purpose-led technology company by 2025. As part of this journey, we partner with stakeholders to bring this vision to life. We recognise the importance of working with training institutions on relevant technology skills and onboarding the young generation in our Internet of Things process as early as possible,” said Peter Ndegwa, Safaricom’s Chief Executive Officer.

KEWI, which is mandated to build capacity in the water sector, sees the partnership with Safaricom as enabling its effectiveness in delivering its objectives.

The CEO, Dr Leiro Letangule, commented: “The partnership between KEWI and Safaricom on the Smart Water Management curriculum is a forward-thinking collaboration that aims to tackle the pressing issue of water scarcity by fostering awareness and practical solutions. It reflects a shared vision of leveraging technology and education to drive sustainable water practices and conservation.” 

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