TLcom announces Africa tech female founder summit 2023
TLcom Capital, an Africa-focused venture capital firm, has officially announced the fifth annual Africa Tech Female Founder Summit, which will take place on Tuesday, November 14th, 2022 in Lagos, Nigeria.
The main event will be a fireside chat with Julia Collins, who will give useful insights from her experience as a successful serial tech entrepreneur. The event is intended to be Africa's largest meeting of women in technology.
According to the organisers, in light of the current global macroeconomic environment, the theme for the 2023 Africa Tech Female Founder Summit is Building Resilience: Adapting to New Realities, which addresses the challenges African founders and operators are currently facing while also providing timely and practical advice and support from experienced global and African business leaders.
This year's keynote speaker will be Julia Collins, the first black woman to develop a unicorn, and she will also offer a masterclass session on Getting to Product Market Fit.
Julia is currently working on Planet FWD, a major decarbonisation platform for consumer businesses. On the day, she will be joined by Cikü Mugambi [Kobo360], Enas Siam [FlexStock], and Thomas Njeru [Pula] for a panel discussion.
Furthermore, this year's Africa Tech Female Founder Summit will feature a number of masterclasses led by TLcom Partners such as Eloho Omame.
After hosting the conference with 150+ African female founders and operators in Nairobi in 2022, the event is moving west to Lagos, Nigeria this year. The event is now accepting applications.
"2023 has been a challenging year for founders across the continent," says Omobola Johnson, senior partner at TLcom Capital, of the upcoming event, "so this year we will be gathering our community of women in tech in Africa to share experiences, learn from experts in their fields, and develop coping tactics that will help build resilient businesses to weather this current climate. We want to go over what resilience is and how it can be injected into businesses, leaders, and teams."
"At this year's Africa Tech Female Founder Summit, we will not only be discussing business survival, but also business growth; there are opportunities for founders, even during more turbulent economic times," Andreata Muforo, Partner at TLcom Capital, adds. “We're thrilled to be hosting the continent's largest gathering of women in technology, which will feature some incredibly seasoned and inspiring speakers. We want all guests to leave with not only a reinvigorated sense of community solidarity, but also concrete knowledge that will help their businesses."