Chinese broadcast journalists in Africa get upload boost

Chinese broadcast journalists in Africa get upload boost

Chinese broadcast journalists in Africa have a faster means to upload their content to their editors and producers in China.

This is thanks to NewTelco South Africa, a Jasco Group company, facilitating an IP-based media content delivery network (CDN) upload portal for LiveCom -- a Hong Kong-based service provider.

NewTelco South Africa says that the CDN service, which is not public-facing, has been running since February this year.

And it was enabled after NewTelco helped LiveCom establish a Point of Presence (PoP) facility at the Teraco data centre in Johannesburg.

"It is private to all accredited and authorised journalists on the African continent who will upload to it and collaborate through it," Eckart Zollner, head of business development at New Telco SA, told ITWeb Africa.

"The editorial team will download and use the content for the global CDN. Essentially this platform is the entry point for the entire Africa News section of the global broadcast provider," he said.

NewTelco has declined to name the Chinese broadcaster that is using this service because of a non-disclosure agreement that is in place.

But NewTelco has detailed in a press release that it is providing all service and maintenance of the equipment. NewTelco is also adding interconnects to providers.

The press statement from NewTelco further reveals that LiveCom is seeking to expand its offering through deployments in other parts of Africa, and that Jasco is expected to provide the backhaul services between these PoPs.

NewTelco SA, formed in 2009, is co-owned with a 67% shareholding held by the listed ICT solutions company Jasco Electronic Holdings.

Jasco specialises in end-to-end ICT, energy and industry solutions.

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