Streaming platform PlatinumVod leverages mobile money to launch service in Francophone Africa

UK-based video streaming platform PlatinumVod has launched services in five Francophone African countries: Benin, DRC, Congo, Senegal, and Cameroon.

The Video-on-Demand platform was launched on 23 May 2022, and is designed to deliver exclusively African premium movies and TV series, as well as other high-definition cinematographic productions.

The company said it will roll the service out to other countries, including Cote D’Ivoire, before expanding to Anglophone regions by September this year.

PlatinumVod is leveraging different mobile money options across these countries, notably MTN MoMo, Orange Money, AfriMoney and AirtelMoney, to reach its subscribers.

“For now, we are only accepting mobile money. We settled on this payment option because most of our targets have mobile money accounts. They do not have bank cards. Moreover, using mobile money is less costly and more flexible for them,” a PlatinumVod Representative for Camaroon told ITWeb Africa.

With time the company will include bank cards for those who have them in their markets in Africa, and for subscribers based outside of Africa.

PlatinumVod delivers video content across three channels; through its website and on its mobile apps available on Google Play and App Store.

PlatinumVod’s Communications Officer Kamwa Moise Rostand said users simply need to register and do not have to sign up to a recurrent subscription as “PlatinumVod is a “no commitment”’ and ‘a la carte’ VoD platform.”

Rostand added that payment for the service is automated to give customers autonomy to buy films or series at any time in complete security.

“PlatinumVod allows Cameroonians to pay directly online on the website via MTN mobile money or Orange Money. The customer enters the telephone number of his/she account on the PlatinumVod site. He/she receives a message on his/her telephone from the telephone operator asking him/her to confirm that he/she is the author of the transaction initiated on the Platinumvod site. The customer confirms on his/her phone and the operator debits his/her account with 600 FCFA.”

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