DFA Zimbabwe appoints Nhena Nyagura to its executive

Nhena Nyagura.
Nhena Nyagura.

DFA Zimbabwe has appointed Nhena Nyagura as its Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer.

CEO Simon Chimutsotso said Nyagura’s appointment comes at a time when the company is engaged in rapid roll-out of its network in the country. “We are extremely pleased to have Nhena on board and believe his wealth of experience will be of great benefit to the company.”

Having held several senior roles both locally and abroad during his 20 years in the telecommunications sector, Nyagura brings extensive leadership experience to the role, DFA Zimbabwe continues.

According to information released to the media, most recently, Nyagura served as CEO of Dandemutande, Zimbabwe’s largest B2B Internet- and VSAT-services provider. Before this he held leadership roles at a number or key companies in the sector, including iWayAfrica, Africa Online, and Africom in Zimbabwe and Level 3 Communications and RCN in the United States.

Nyagura was a founding member and Chief Technical Officer of Academic One, an Internet-based live-tutoring service based in Potomac Falls, Virginia.

Nyagura is an advisor to the Impact Hub, Harare, and sits on the boards of BancABC and Standard Telephone & Cables.

In 2017, Nyagura was awarded both the Director of the Year for Large and Listed companies and the Overall Director of the Year award by the Institute of Directors, Zimbabwe.

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