Implementation key in Nigeria's Broadband plan
Implementation key in Nigeria's Broadband plan

ICT professionals in Nigeria have lauded the country's National Broadband Plan 2013-2018, but, according to regional media, have also said much depends on effective implementation.
The Daily Independent has quoted Sonia Jorge, executive director of the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) as saying that if effectively applied, the Plan would assist in making internet more affordable and reinforce broadband penetration.
"It presents a time-bound plan for implementation. The successful execution of key parts of the plan like the development of sustainable and efficient open access fibre optic networks is critical," Jorge said, according to the publication.
Despite mobile telephone growth and significant increase of international bandwidth as a result of new submarine cables, Jorge has pointed out that broadband penetration rates remained low and the internet still too costly.
The objective of the National Broadband Plan is to achieve a connected society marked by high-speed internet and broadband access.
Authorities have reiterated the country's overall objective to secure greater investment in broadband penetration and grow the current level of 6% to 30% by 2018.