GeoPoll outlines Kenya's protest motives

Young people protested against president William Ruto's government over social issues, highlighting the urgent need for policy interventions.

GeoPoll, a research organization, published an in-depth report last week that examined the present surge in youth protests across Kenya. 

The research provides critical insights into the reasons, profiles, and consequences of these protests, as well as a picture of the larger sociopolitical context.

The research is based on the results of a mobile survey that included 1049 young Kenyans from around the country. It investigates the underlying causes of the youth unrest.

The findings indicate widespread dissatisfaction with economic conditions, governance, and social issues, emphasising the critical need for policy measures.

"We believe this report provides invaluable insights for policymakers, civil society organizations, companies, the media, and Kenya’s development partners working to address the challenges faced by Kenya's youth," said John Murunga, GeoPoll’s regional director. “Understanding the drivers behind these protests in an independent, unbiased, scientific research approach is crucial for developing effective strategies to promote social cohesion and economic development."

The report is published on the GeoPoll website. Link to the report:

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