Report: Acronis Cyberthreats 2022

Acronis was the first company that started to implement complete, integrated cyber protection to protect all data, applications and systems. Cyber protection requires the researching and monitoring of threats, as well as abiding by the five vectors of “SAPAS”: Safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity and security. As part of the strategy, we’ve established four Cyber Protection Operation Centers (CPOC) around the world to monitor and research cyber threats 24/7. 

Our flagship product, Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, empowers service providers with integrated backup, disaster recovery, anti-virus, anti-malware, e-mail security, URL filtering services and endpoint protection management capabilities – enabling them to deliver comprehensive cyber protection services to their clients. The same technology is available directly to businesses as Acronis Cyber Protect 15.

This report represents a global outlook and is based on over 650 000 unique endpoints distributed around the world. The main focus here is on threats for Windows operating systems, as they are much more prevalent when compared with macOS. We will see how the situation develops and may include data on macOS threats in the next report, as there has been a recent spike in these threats.

Please download our report below. 

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