OPINION: Why 'end-to-end visibility' is a critical component for today's Hybrid Enterprise

OPINION: Why 'end-to-end visibility' is a critical component for today's Hybrid Enterprise

The CIO's job has changed considerably in the last few years. While the essentials remain the same – to deliver highly available, secure, interconnected systems and acceptable end-user performance – the ways to go about them have changed radically.

It was hard enough back in the days when all apps and systems ran under the same roof, and CIOs used to know where their end-users were – in the office. If anyone wanted to access to the network on the road, IT would issue them with locked-down devices that required a traverse through slow and cumbersome virtual private network (VPN) connections.

The majority of resources were under direct control and expectations were not set by consumer market capabilities. For a CIO today looking back, this must seem very old fashioned because nowadays the average consumer is almost always online, uses interchangeable devices and expects videoconferencing capabilities in their pocket, among other applications.

Currently, companies operate with one foot on-premises and one in the cloud. This combination of private and public assets delivering essential business services is known as the 'hybrid enterprise' and it's the norm. While this model can reduce costs and improve employee productivity, it can also be a nightmare for IT to manage.

It is not enough to provision cloud apps and move on. CIOs need visibility, optimisation and control across hybrid clouds and networks to ensure that all applications perform, no matter where they are hosted or managed. After all, consider the uproar that would sweep through your organisation if email goes down or you cannot access important files stored in the cloud.

The one decision a CIO cannot afford to make is to try to keep everything on-premises. That would put the company at a severe competitive disadvantage. According to Gartner, 75% of enterprises expect to have hybrid cloud deployments by the end of this year, and that number is only going to increase. As the cloud grows, on-premises computing continues as well, and will do so for the foreseeable future.

To quote James Staten, former Forrester analyst and now chief strategist, cloud and enterprise division at Microsoft: "We know that cloud services and cloud platforms are here to stay and should be considered part of your overall IT portfolio but how much of that portfolio will these services occupy in your future? For most companies – and probably all enterprises – your future won't be 100% cloud. And your business units and line employees have already ensured that it won't be 0% cloud. So what's the right number?"

The hybrid enterprise model makes perfect sense but also poses a number of critical decisions to make when planning your IT architectures. Do I have a SaaS alternative option or do I need to continue to run a commercial software package? Should I build a private cloud or share a public cloud, or both? What do I host internally? What's the best way to provide access to all applications for our workforce – whether they are at major sites, small branches or mobile workers? Do you provide access via more expensive, but highly reliable private networks – or build secure paths across the Internet?

Deploying applications in the cloud via SaaS options and providing access via inexpensive public networks can shorten time to provisioning, and on the surface, promise less IT workload to manage.

Along with these questions come the hidden costs of the hybrid enterprise. Having multiple cloud and SaaS providers leads to multiple different, and often incompatible, architectural roadmaps across the entire technology stack – an IT management nightmare. So when a business process or workflow moves across the hybrid landscape, it is not fair to expect the IT teams to quickly troubleshoot and solve problems within such a diverse architecture, much of which falls outside their purview. The responsibility really lies with a service provider or SaaS vendor.

The key to success in this new reality is 'end-to-end visibility.' It sounds like an empty buzz term, but it refers to a critical capability IT must have today: using a single management console to see all activities in real-time all the way from the remote end-user's device, through any network they may use, to the app running in the data centre or the cloud.

Consider a network administrator with a multinational company who has implemented a centralised management console in order to monitor all apps, users and sites holistically across the entire global network.

A real-time alert appears that indicates SharePoint has an issue, so he/she drills down to view all apps, and confirms all are nominal except SharePoint. The admin examines each site running SharePoint, and sees all are fine except for one remote office. The current path selection policy directs SharePoint traffic over MPLS, and the console shows the MPLS pipe is almost at capacity.

So the admin modifies the path selection policy for collaboration technologies like SharePoint to route over public Internet when MPLS is not available. The problem has been quickly identified and solved.

* Wimpie van Rensburg is the country manager Sub-Saharan Africa at Riverbed Technology.

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