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Malawi trains girls in STEM and ICT skills

By , ITWeb Africa Malawi correspondent
Malawi , 07 Mar 2025
Reach Out to Girls, a Malawian non-profit, is teaching young women in ICT and STEM to help close the gender gap in tech.
Reach Out to Girls, a Malawian non-profit, is teaching young women in ICT and STEM to help close the gender gap in tech.

Reach Out to Girls. A Malawian non-profit organisation is training young girls in digital skills to close the gender gap in school and employment prospects by offering resources, training, and assistance.

The organisation is focusing on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and Information Communication Technology (ICT) fields.

The five-week ICT training program seeks to provide young women, particularly those from marginalised groups, with basic digital skills while also inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM.

The program's purpose is to introduce students to essential ICT concepts and tools that will help them navigate the digital world and open them new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

According to the organisation, the first session, held at Chimutu Community Day Secondary Schools, presented an introduction to STEM and ICTs, examining their importance in today's environment.

Sarah Khudze, Reach Out to Girls founder, said that during the first session, the girls were exposed to STEM and ICT concepts, real-world applications, and career options before moving on to engaging hands-on computer basics.

"Girls face multiple challenges, including limited access to computers and the internet, cultural stereotypes that discourage them from pursuing STEM, and a lack of female role models in technology fields. 

"Our program addresses these barriers by providing hands-on training, mentorship, and a supportive learning environment where girls can gain confidence in their digital skills," she said.

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