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Brief reprieve as Nigeria lifts ban on unregistered SIM cards

By , Senior contributor
Nigeria , 30 Jul 2024
Nigeria allows consumers additional time to validate SIM cards, providing a brief reprieve.
Nigeria allows consumers additional time to validate SIM cards, providing a brief reprieve.

Millions people breathed a sigh of relief after the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) ordered the reactivation of blocked telephone lines as part of the National Identification Number (NIN) - Subscriber Identification Modules (SIM) verification process.

Panic struck several subscribers over the weekend as they were unable to access their phone lines due to many telecom users' failure to authenticate their NINs with their SIM cards.

This meant that their telecom service providers had blacklisted their numbers in accordance with NIN-SIM linking rules and policies.

In recent years, Nigeria has taken harsh measures against consumers and service providers who violate its tight SIM verification regulations.

The West African country has blamed some of its security failures, including attacks by rebel groups such as Boko Haram, on unregistered SIM cards.

According to NCC head of public affairs Reuben Muoka, compulsory NIN-SIM linking began in December 2020, when the government authorised mobile phone companies to restrict unregistered SIM cards and SIMs not linked to NIN.

“The objectives of this exercise by the Federal Government of Nigeria include enhancing national security and ensuring the national SIM ownership database is accurate. The NIN-SIM linkage policy aids in verifying and protecting users’ identities while also providing a critical infrastructure that assures access to the benefits of a robust digital economy for the citizenry,” he said in a statement.

Although subscribers have been reactivated, the Muoka warned that this is a temporary reprieve to allow them to legally link their NIN to their SIM.

“Reactivated consumers are to note that this is for a limited period to allow them to properly link their NIN to their SIM. Members of the public who are yet to verify their SIMs are encouraged to do so as soon as possible to maintain access to their lines,” he said.

The sweeping drastic action to cut off consumers came after several unheeded warnings by consumers to comply with the verification process.

“Since December 2023, the Commission has since reviewed the deadline a few times; April 15, 2024 was set as the deadline for the full network barring of subscribers with four or fewer SIMs that had unverified NIN details. This deadline was then reviewed to July 31, 2024, to give consumers more time to ensure their submitted NIN details are properly verified. Despite these extensions, many phone lines are yet to be linked with verified NINs,” said Muoka.

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