Traditional legacy systems, with their entangled infrastructures and exorbitant fees, have held businesses hostage for too long. Contact centers are tired of being burdened by disjointed systems with hefty price tags and bad customer and employee experiences. Smartz Solutions is the disruptor reshaping the contact center landscape by redefining customer and employee experiences through a 360-degree experience platform.

With a razor-sharp focus on customer and employee experience, Smartz Solutions developed a Total Experience platform. A comprehensive omnichannel solution combined with all the aspects of an employee's lifecycle, Smartz Solutions connects the customer and agent in a 360-degree feedback loop with real-time data to make strategic decisions as they are needed.

Through the three pillars of Smartz Solutions’ offering, contact centers can finally focus on connecting the customer and employee experiences through unmatched real-time data, all on one platform.

“We’ve crafted our platform with a singular vision: to seamlessly intertwine customer and employee journeys, ensuring unparalleled satisfaction at every touchpoint. Our suite is revolutionizing the way our clients interact, analyze, and engage with customers and employees." - James Guthrie, Founder
James Guthrie

Henry McCracken
CEO Smartz Solutions South Africa

Cindy Van Wyk
COO Smartz Solutions

PR Details
Tarina Meiring
Mapula Media