Alfred Shilongo

Telecom Namibia invests in marine safety and security

The telco invested in a GMDSS system with 24-hour coverage, ensuring continuous monitoring and response to distress calls and safety alerts.
Alfred Shilongo

Namibia’s data, cyber-crime bills nearing completion

Both the Data Protection and Cyber-crime Bills seek to protect citizens' personal information as technology advances rapidly.

Namibia eager to showcase AI readiness

Capitalising on a recent ranking by the IMF, Namibia’s ICT ministry is keen to propel the country into AI, and will use its upcoming national ICT summit to do so.

Telecom Namibia's 5G trials expected to start in 2026

The telco is contemplating a substantial infrastructure investment, including 500 base stations, with 5G testing scheduled for 2026.

Namibia’s cyber strategy focuses on children

The Namibian government has formed an alliance with a child protection organisation to help warn the country’s minors about online dangers.