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Econet slashes MMS tariffs

By , Journalist
Zimbabwe , 15 May 2012

Econet slashes MMS tariffs

Zimbabwe’s biggest mobile network operator, Econet Wireless, has slashed tariffs for Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS) by 60% from $0, 14 cents to $0, 6 cents.

The move to lower down tariffs for MMS services is aimed, according to analysts, at ring-fencing the company’s subscriber numbers which have now surged to over 6 million. Econet officials have said they will continue to cultivate ways of improving their network and bringing more value to subscribers.

Econet’s 60% MMS tariff reduction comes on the back of a recent ruling by the Posts and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) that there was no need to force mobile operators in the country to lower their voice tariffs following complaints by some stakeholders.

“MMS tariffs reduced for your convenience, now you can share your photos & videos from as little as 6c,” said Econet in a text message to subscribers.

There is increasing competition among rival operators, with the next biggest competitor, Telecel Zimbabwe, introducing tele-tunes for its subscribers and also slashing mobile broadband tariffs by 50% this month.

Previously, Econet’s MMS tariffs were $0.15c.

Local economists have previously said stiffer competition will force operators to push down their tariffs in the face of the refusal by POTRAZ to force mobile companies to lower down their tariffs.

Economist Jeffrey Kasirori said: “As the economy improves, there will be pressure on the operators to remain attractive and competitive. Hopefully this will continue to result in lowering down of tariffs, which is good for any healthy economy.”

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