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Ethio Telecom introduces 127 new products, services

By , Africa editor
Ethiopia , 12 Jul 2024
Frehiwot Tamiru , CEO of Ethio telecom.
Frehiwot Tamiru , CEO of Ethio telecom.

Ethio Telecom, a state-owned company, expanded its product line in the previous financial year, offering 127 new products and upgrading 143 existing ones.

This week, the telecom operator revealed its financial performance for 2023/24, which showed an increase in full-year revenue and net profit.

Ethio Telecom detailed its performance, saying that among other steps to improve performance, the telecom concentrated on developing and upgrading of its products and services.

The company said enhancing the accessibility of its products and services was a priority, and that the year saw constant advances, with customers traveling only 4.5 kilometers to receive telecom services.

As a result, it said: “We have not only become more accessible to our citizens but also modernised and expanded our services through digital channels. We are now accessible via web chat, Ardi chat bot, email, social networking sites, and more.”

Furthermore, Ethio Telecom said it launched 127 new service centers during the financial year, increasing the total number of service centers to 976, with 472 franchised and 496 owned by the firm.

Also, the telco added that it has established 9,815 stores which offer telecom products and services to customers, bringing the total number of partners to 303,018.

According to Ethio Telecom, the goal is to significantly improve customer experience and service delivery.

As a result, the telco said various initiatives have been implemented to provide digital customer service options such as web chat, Ardi chat bot, email, and social network pages, allowing the majority of customers to access these digital channels independently.  

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