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Six key African sub-sea broadband cables

By , IT in government editor
Africa , 18 Sep 2013

Six key African sub-sea broadband cables

Since the early 2000s, an array of undersea broadband cables systems have been connected to Africa.

Just last year, South Africa, for example, was connected to the West African Cable System (WACS).

And earlier this year, Angola boldly announced that it plans to become Africa’s telecoms hub with the planned 2014 launch of an undersea cables system dubbed the South Atlantic Cable System (SACS).

SACS, which is planned to connect Angola directly to Brazil, is expected to be the first network to connect to Europe and South America via Africa

For Africa, its growing number of subsea broadband cables is expected to result in improved bandwidth connectivity, even though the continent’s terrestrial fibre networks need further development.

Taking all of these developments into consideration then, ITWeb Africa has compiled a list of six completed undersea cables systems that have connected Africa to the rest of the world.

Information in this list has been sourced from and the cable providers’ website to obtain updated capacity data in particular.

Sub-sea CableLengthCapacityCompletion Date
Seacom17,000km1.28TbpsJuly 2009
ESSAy (Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System)10,000km4.72TbpsJuly 2010
TEAMs (The East African Marine System)4.500km1.28TbpsSeptember 2009
WACS (West Africa Cable System)14,500km5.12TbpsMay 2012
Main One7,000km1.92TbpsSeptember 2009
GLO1 (Globacom-1)9,800km2.5TbpsQ3 2010
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