Rigaku Announces XSPA-200 ER Detector for X-ray Diffraction System
Rigaku Corporation (headquarters: Akishima City, Tokyo; president and CEO: Jun Kawakami; hereinafter “Rigaku”), a Rigaku Holdings Group company and global solution partner in X-ray analytical devices, began receiving orders for the XSPA-200 ER, an X-ray seamless pixel array detector.
Business Wire
Rigaku Develops Technology for 3D Visualization of the Atomic-scale Structure of Amorphous Carbon
Contributes to the development of high-performance materials for battery devices and the like.
Rigaku: Novel Electron Density Topography Technology to Reveal Biological Macromolecules’ Properties
Rigaku Corporation, a Rigaku Holdings Group company and global partner for X-ray analysis from Lab to Fab (headquarters: Akishima, Tokyo; president and CEO: Jun Kawakami; "Rigaku"), has developed a technology called Electron Density Topography (“EDT”), patents pending.