SmartCrypto’s Crypto Framework and Golden Thread

SmartCrypto is a company that is built on trust.

We offer Smart-Trusted-Solutions to enhance trust in a global digital economy.

We have designed a Crypto Framework which is unique, flexible, and scalable based on the zero-trust architecture of verify everything: people, process, and technology. The concept of the framework is to mitigate risk, control costs and accelerate digital transformation with emphasis on enabling safe business in the new digital age.

As a trusted Crypto Partner, we can save you money, time, and interoperability issues.

Most organisations have various key and certificate solutions in place. Some legacy, some new, some redundant, but few, if any that have trust between the layers. It is the implementation of trust between the layers that is crucial when looking to achieve zero-trust architecture or what we call the “golden thread”.

The “golden thread” is key to the correct and successful use of certificates and keys to achieve interoperability and remains in control of end-to-end encryption without multiple identities, key, and certificate solutions in place.

The Crypto Framework

Using the HSM, the foundation of trust can be established. Trust is the foundation of the crypto framework on which everything is built – from user identities to transaction verification and system verification.

The more trustworthy the foundation, the more confidence one will have in implementing solutions higher up in the framework. This framework also ensures compliance.

Trusted PKI requires several best practices such as ISO guidelines (ISO standard 21188) for financial institutions that enforce policies and procedures as well as verification and revocation processes on implementation which sets it apart from conventional PKI deployments.

Key Management Systems are “key” to managing end-to-end encryption where sharing of encrypted data is required. It helps ensure data sovereignty, ensuring the organisation is in control of its data and is a necessary layer to implement a zero-trust architecture as it connects access control to the data.

Access Control – Certificate or Token based authentication of an identity (user or application) is key when it comes to access control providing verification, a must for zero-trust architecture and password-less user experience.

Data Protection needs to be data-centric in nature, flexible, scalable and centrally managed with the ability to be automated for compliance. It becomes increasingly easy to see how data-centric relies on all the lower layers when implementing a zero-trust architecture.

Signing – signing solutions are built on trusted identities performing a trusted transaction on trusted data, and therefore are the most reliant on this framework.

How does this affect your business?

Do you have an understanding of your foundation of trust?

Where does your organisation sit in the crypto framework?

SmartCrypto is your trusted implementation partner and Thales Platinum Partner, offering exceptional pricing and service, with support contracts available to provide technical and strategic assistance throughout your entire Crypto framework journey. Use cases and client referrals are available upon request.

Contact SmartCrypto now.

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