Kenya says it created 139 000 digital jobs in a year

Eliud Owalo, Kenya's cabinet secretary for information, communications, and the digital economy.

Over the last year, Kenya says it has created over 139 000 digital jobs for youth as part of an unemployment-reduction programme.

The government claims it accomplished this by establishing digital hubs across the country during that time.

Since the program's inception, East Africa's largest economy claims to have trained thousands of young people in collaboration with its partners.

Eliud Owalo, cabinet secretary for information, communications, and the digital economy, revealed the data yesterday during the unveiling of another digital hub in Nairobi.

"This is a game changer. It is transformational," he said of the government's digital jobs initiative.

"As of today, formal occupations are limited, if not non-existent. Where we have jobs is in the digital sector, so we are collaborating with our honourable Members of Parliament to establish digital hubs in each and every ward in this country," Owal stated.

He noted legislators had amended the National Government Constituencies Development Fund Act to utilize 3 percent of their annual budgetary allocation to set up digital hubs.

“The opportunities available in the digital space are enormous,” he said.

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