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Chinese NETA to establish electric assembly plant in Kenya

By , Kenya Correspondent
Kenya , 24 Jul 2024
NETA Auto's new plant will produce 250 vehicles each month.
NETA Auto's new plant will produce 250 vehicles each month.

NETA Auto, a Chinese electric vehicle brand, has announced ambitions to set up an assembly plant in Kenya.

To get started, NETA launched its flagship store in Nairobi, its first in Africa.

Eric Lumallas, assistant to the CEO of Moja EV Kenya, Africa's sole distributor of NETA vehicles, revealed at the launch ceremony earlier this month that local assembly of the vehicles will begin within the next two months.

NETA Auto's new plant will produce 250 vehicles each month. The company's flagship model, the NETA V, is already available in Kenya, with more models like the NETA AYA and NETA X planned for the future.

NETA Auto says it intends to expand to 20 countries, create 100 outlets, and achieve an annual sales volume of more than 20,000 units in Africa within the next three years.

"By establishing a high-quality service network and providing consumers with excellent after-sales services, NETA Auto aims to become the leader of the new energy car manufacturers in the region," the business states.

NETA joins several other EV manufacturers interested in investing in Kenya as a result of the government's National Electric Mobility Plan, which aims to create a more environmentally friendly transportation system and implement a variety of programs for sustainable road traffic management. 

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