WeChat launching micro jobs service in South Africa

WeChat launching micro jobs service in South Africa

Social network WeChat plans to launch mobile micro jobs service, Money for Jam (M4JAM), targeted at job seekers in South Africa.

According to a press statement, M4JAM is expected to give businesses, NGOs and government organisations a new way to crowdsource information and interact directly with job seekers.

The service will enable people to earn ‘easy’ money by completing a job that takes no longer than ten minutes using a smartphone, the statement reveals.

Some of the jobs planned to be listed on M4JAM include taking a photo of a restaurant entrance to confirm the name of the business at a specific location, speed limit and road name confirmation for mapping business’ and government; merchandising display checks and stock control for retailers.

M4JAM founder and chief executive officer Andre Hugo said, "M4JAM breaks large projects into small tasks, empowering many geographically dispersed people to quickly and independently complete the tasks using their phones in exchange for payment."

“The value proposition includes completing tasks at a significantly lower cost than outsourcing to a traditional supplier, as well as directly accessing a unique and positive channel for continuous engagement with customers in real time,” Hugo added.

It was not revealed how much a person would be paid once the job has been completed.

“We’re excited about our partnership with M4JAM because we’re now one step closer to realising WeChat’s potential in South Africa– to become a central point of contact for people’s lives, both online and offline”, said Brett Loubser, head of WeChat Africa.

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