Private 5G redefining digital efficiency with network modernisation

Dr Setumo Mohapi, MEA Managed Networks and Collaboration Services Executive, Dimension Data.
Dr Setumo Mohapi, MEA Managed Networks and Collaboration Services Executive, Dimension Data.

The modernisation of the enterprise and industrial network has become an imperative. It has become the pinnacle point upon which the organisation must pivot to, to ensure that the enterprise is capable of meeting the demands of a global market; while delivering to the expectations of security, agility, flexibility and scale.

Today, machine to machine (M2M) communications, augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge computing define the future of possibilities for enterprise and industrial operations. This definition requires that organisations invest, and scale, leveraging these technologies to go further, do more, and innovate faster than ever before. It is the Age of Information, and those without a finger on the pulse of the data, and that don’t have the connectivity to drive it, are those that will fall behind.

Regardless of industry or sector, the priority is to run businesses better. To use digital technologies to modernise and transform intelligently, and taking approaches that are future proof and future relevant. But what does this actually mean?

Right now, it means investing into network and connectivity platforms that have the legs to stretch into any area of technology that the business demands.

The next defining chapter of digital transformation

Modernising the network is the first step towards comprehensive and evolving digital transformation. It allows for the enterprise to innovate at speed because it does more than just connect the technology, it helps the business connect the dots. This is particularly of value now as 5G becomes an increasingly powerful and relevant tool that can be used to built not just connectivity on a national scale, but private networks with immense capabilities and scale.

A private 5G network comes with a bundle of benefits - scale, low-latency, low-cost, speed, accessibility, and reach - but only if it is designed and built using CXIO design-thinking principles and meets the strategic objectives of the organisation.

Ultimately, the value of a private 5G network lies in its potential to put the business ahead of the competition, and in its offering up an alternative to traditional telecom solutions. Built for purpose, a private network can adapt and evolve within the business, and meet stringent security, control and accessibility requirements. These have become critical in the era of information and regulation, where compliance is key to ensuring that the business remains in business, and reputationally intact.

Of course, there's no overlooking the value of 5G when it comes to the device management and building networks capable of handling significant volumes of devices without losing integrity and speed. With IoT gaining traction in South Africa and abroad, the ability to tap into this technology at a moment's notice will become immensely valuable over the next few years. Plus, a network with 5G capabilities can be translated to fit the dynamic requirements of multiple industries.

From manufacturing to mining to industrial plants, this high-end network removes the traditional limitations of reach and environment by dint of its ultra-high reliability and low latency. It takes the complexity out of the connectivity equation and hands the enterprise the keys to the technology kingdom. From high reliability to automation to data analytics to M2M communication - the modern network opens the door to far more ubiquitous use of technology than ever before.

There's also the added bonuses of reducing the cost to business with lower power consumption - approximately 95% less than traditional networks - which means more room to scale to meet changing business demands; and range - a 5G network can achieve distances of up to 25km, a significant advantage in the South African market.

With the potential of 5G in mind, and the possibilities that a private network can bring, it's easy to see why the modernisation of the network has become a priority for most organisations.

In South Africa, this drive is no less than anywhere else in the world as organisations look to AI, IoT, connectivity and technology capability to engage with digital transformation sustainably.

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Infrastructure Oct 10, 2024