Mobile World Congress returns to Rwanda

The GSMA Mobile World Congress (MWC), Africa's largest and most prominent connectivity event, will return to Rwanda on October 29-31.
The event will bring together key innovators and political leaders from around the continent, all committed to promoting the digital economy and fostering socioeconomic development.
MWC Kigali will feature a range of keynotes and panel discussions led by industry thought leaders and prominent businesses, all centred around four event themes: Connected Continent, The AI Future, Fintech, and Africa's Digital DNA.
The GSMA Ministerial Programme will be held at MWC Kigali for the first time in Africa, ushering in a new chapter in the continent's commitment to furthering its digital agenda.
According to the organisers, the program will bring together the most powerful telecommunications experts from around Africa to debate policy and regulatory issues relevant to the region.
MWC Kigali is hosted concurrently with the Africa Health Tech Summit and the Future of Education and Work in Africa, providing an in-depth discussion of connectivity issues and opportunities in the health and education sectors.
Africa CDC, Africa Union (AU), Huawei, inABLE, MTN, Rwandan government, Smart Africa, and ZTE are among the event's partners.