Having only half the information can cost you

Having only half the information can cost you

Business, government and legal professionals will agree that not knowing where pending legislation is in the lengthy legislative process can be damaging to the reputation as well as the bottom line.

There are currently 45 bills before Parliament in South Africa. From matters affecting health to land rights to minimum wage and cybercrimes – staying up to date with what's happening in the legislative landscape can be daunting. And with the elections around the corner, things get even more complicated as all matters, including bills, lapse at the end of a term of the National Assembly or when the National Assembly is dissolved.

Parliament does state however that "after the elections, the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces may resolve to revive bills that were before them at the end of the fourth democratic Parliament. The Houses can revive bills at the stage which they reached at the end of the fourth democratic Parliament."

Fortunately, Sabinet's Bill Tracker and Parliamentary Documents service makes wading through legislation quick and easy. This popular online legal information service ensures that users can easily find legal information that is relevant to them – safe in the knowledge that the content is accurate and, most importantly, up to date.

Sabinet's Sanet Vos comments, "Our subscribers can speak with authority knowing that all the legal information we provide is timeous and correct. Not only does this save them time and costs, they are also are assured of legal compliance across all sectors."

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