MICT Seta, EPF call for united front in tech sector

Mikhial Mariemuthu, senior manager at EPF.
Mikhial Mariemuthu, senior manager at EPF.

Tech skills development agency MICT Seta and not-for-profit organisation Empire Partner Foundation (EPF) are inviting companies in the sector to participate in the upcoming tech week event and awards ceremony.

The two are hosting the inaugural 2023 South African Tech for Innovation and Social Impact Awards in November and are calling for private sector involvement to support the growth of SA’s ICT sector.

The awards ceremony and tech week are planned for Johannesburg from 6 to 11 November.

The awards ceremony recognises excellence implementing tech solutions to solve societal challenges as well as challenges in business.

According to MICT Seta and Empire Foundation, the awards aim to promote a vibrant and competitive technology ecosystem in the country while supporting local talent and homegrown technology solutions.

MICT Seta is a government agency mandated with skills development within the following sub-sectors: Advertising, film and electronic media, electronics, IT and telecommunications.

The EPF is an NPO seeking to empower youth to build SA and Africa through technology by solving key socio-economic challenges affecting the public.

To this end, the two organisations want more companies and entities in the tech space to join the ecosystem they are developing to empower young people.

Mikhial Mariemuthu, senior manager at EPF, commented: “We urge local companies in the sector to join us to celebrate and grow talent in South Africa. We are committed to enterprise development and youth initiatives. If we are united, we can support entrepreneurs and reduce unemployment.

“There are many ways companies can participate and make this an important event on the tech calendar. We are creating a mutually beneficial relationship to help grow and develop the tech sector and empower young entrepreneurs.”

Nominations for the awards are now open and will close on 30 September.

Mariemuthu added: “This will stimulate discussions, generate new ideas and inspire innovations and collaborations that can drive progress and economic growth in industries.”

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