Safety tips for SA's online shoppers

Safety tips for SA's online shoppers

Shopping online in a secure manner is not always guaranteed and this is why some South Africans are sceptical of the growing trend despite the many benefits of the service.

According to the 2015 Online Shopping Behaviour Study by MasterCard the security of website payment facilities is the top consideration made by 86% of South Africans when they decide whether to shop online or do the traditional walk in.

Mastercard has provided the following tips for safe online shopping:

* According to MasterCard online shoppers must know who they are buying from because it is not very difficult for anyone, including deceitful people, to set up shop on the internet. MasterCard recommends that shoppers do an online search for recommendations and feedback from those who have bought from the seller in the past in order to know about the seller’s reputation. MasterCard also suggests looking around the specific company’s website for refund and returns policies before placing an order.

* Guarding your privacy - MasterCard notes that shoppers should avoid disclosing personal information if they don’t know who is receiving it and why as well as how such information will be used.

* Shoppers should also keep passwords safe over contact details and other personal details safe. Remember to create a new password for every shopping website that a shopper visits and keeping the passwords long and with varied letters, numbers and characters is included as a sure way to keep the online shopping experience safe and enjoyable pleasant.

* Printing and keeping all the information about the purchases made, along with the product description, delivery information, privacy policy, warranties and any confirmation notices sent from the seller is another way to keep safe, according to MasterCard.

* Rise of digital wallets – make use of safe digital wallets, the report warns.

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