Malawi comms regulator helps youth develop digital skills

MACRA's director general Daud Suleman with officials from Her For Tech.

The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) fund, Muuni, has established the Smart Africa Youth Chapter in Lilongwe to support digital start-ups in the country.

This initiative seeks to bridge the digital gap and promote economic growth by providing prospective young entrepreneurs with critical digital skills.

A community of young leaders is being developed via training and mentorship, with the potential to drive innovation and job creation in an increasingly digital environment.

MACRA's director general, Daud Suleman, emphasised the importance of this project in revitalising digitization initiatives and addressing youth unemployment.

Suleman underlined the need of collective action in overcoming barriers to digital transformation, highlighting the critical role that youngsters play in advancing Malawi's digital agenda.

"Malawi can move forward only if we take digitalization agenda seriously, but we cannot proceed without including youths as key stakeholders, Suleman said.

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