Angola and China pledge to grow ICT ties

Angola looks to expand its cooperation with China within ICT.

LUANDA - Angola seeks to expand its cooperation with China in the area of information and communications technology (ICT).

The desire follows a meeting on Thursday between Zhang Bin, Chinese Ambassador to Angola, and the host country’s Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Information, Mário Augusto da Silva Oliveira, in the capital Luanda.

The ambassador said plans to expand partnerships would be based on the cordial relations that have existed between China and the Southern African country for decades.

As of 2021, Angola was the Asian global powerhouse’s third-largest trading partner in Africa, culminating in the two countries announcing a comprehensive strategic partnership earlier this year.

Bin said his country and Angola had in recent years achieved fruitful practical cooperation in the fields of communication, infrastructure, construction and digital development.

“China is willing to further deepen exchanges and cooperation with Angola in digital applications and technical training to help Angola's economic and social development to benefit the people,” the envoy said.

Oliveira welcomed China’s long-term support to Angola in the field of ICT.

“Angola is willing to continue to work hand in hand with China to promote the implementation of the relevant goals of the Angola National Development Plan 2023-2027 and further consolidate and enhance the friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries,” the minister said.

The Angola National Development Plan is the country’s blueprint as it works towards diversifying its economy, the eighth-largest in Africa by gross domestic product.

Angola is overly reliant on minerals and crude oil.

In June this year, Oliviera participated in the Mobile World Congress.

During the summit, the minister visited Huawei's factories, innovation centres and technology demonstration facilities.

– CAJ News

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