Metro Namibia Joins the Arch family

Metro Namibia Joins the Arch family

Arch Retail Systems, a leading supplier of POS solutions in Southern Africa, is proud to announce the recent roll-out of their suite of products in the Metro Group in Namibia.

Sefalana Group (Botswana), Metro Namibia's holding company, is an Arch User since 2007, with 56 stores. The conversion to Arch has now been completed. Arch Enterprise (Head Office Merchandise Management System) was implemented towards the end of 2018, with the stores roll-out commencing in March this year. Initially a few stores were implemented, followed by the bulk of the stores in August and September. Both Metro and Arch teams have worked against a very tight schedules in a vast country with long distances between stores. We are glad to announce 22 stores with 254 Arch POS and 166 Arch Back Office licenses are operational, as scheduled. There remains two new and two revamp stores to be done in the near future. The bulk of the stores in the Metro Group are Wholesalers, but also a growing number of Hybrids.

Arch Retail (in-store solution) and Arch Enterprise (head office management system) will in the near future be supplemented with Arch Value Adds at till point (pre-paid airtime, EFT & Loyalty) and Arch Mobile (mobile management capability on the store floor). The implementation of Arch in the group posed a number of challenges, most notably the database conversions to facilitate conversion from the legacy system to Arch.

The entire process was a well-managed team effort, but recognition is given to Armand du Preez, Jade Rickerts & Kobus Boshoff (Metro), Barend Smit & his entire team (Windhoek Branch) and Weyer Cremer & Andre Swart (Arch Head Office), who were instrumental in the successful completion of the project.

Says David Geldenhuys, Marketing Executive from Arch: "We acknowledge the completion of a challenging project within tight time lines and salute all involved. A special thank you to Bryan Davis and his team for taking us aboard as business partner. We look forward to be part of the growth and success of this dynamic group".

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