Joburg township gets tech hub

Joburg township gets tech hub

Residents of the Alexandra Township located north of Johannesburg are expected to benefit from the Alexandra Techno-Hub project that was launched late last week.

The centre launched by the City of Johannesburg and supported by mobile network services operator, MTN – aims to provide the Alex community with access to modern information and communication technologies.

"The Techno Hub will provide access to ICT infrastructure, skills, business advice and job advisory support for disadvantaged communities.”

“The key focus of the programme is on youth, women, small enterprise development and access to government services by means of technology,” said MTN.

The centre is equipped with 20 computers donated by the City of Joburg with internet services provided by MTN.

MTN said its involvement was part of a broader initiative to bridge the digital divide in the country and stressed that the Hub must be run as a business designed to sustain itself.

The mobile network said, “The Techno-Hub Programme is intended to build an inclusive knowledge-based economy that is inclusive of poorer and marginal communities.”

“The overarching principles of this project are to create a competitive environment for developing businesses and development of new and existing ICT and other business in the sector that includes skills and job advisory services,” it added.

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