Egypt's Vision 2030 hinges on IT in education
Egypt's Vision 2030 hinges on IT in education

The Education and Technical Education ministry and the ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) in Egypt's government have committed to work together to apply IT in a bid to improve the country's global standing in terms of its education system.
MCIT Minister Yasser ElKady and the Minister of Education and Technical Education Tarek Shawki have met and confirmed a plan to establish a closer working relationship.
The two ministers agreed to form a joint committee to prepare a long-term cooperation strategy that will make the educational process more effective and influential to social and economic outcomes.
"They discussed means to develop the local demand of digital content, information systems, applications and technological infrastructure provided by local and international IT companies to achieve this vision," stated the MCIT.
According to the ministry, Minister ElKady stated that technology is capable of developing all elements of the educational system.
He emphasised the importance of spreading the culture of smart learning and participating in the technical and technological development of the education system for it to achieve the desired goals of graduating active and creative generations.
Minister Shawki stressed that keeping up with technological developments to improve the educational process is within the framework of Egypt's Vision 2030 (Sustainable Development Strategy).
Vision 2030 is a national strategy by the Egyptian government that plans to achieve the goal of a creative and innovative society producing science, technology, innovation and knowledge to face challenges and meet national objectives.
The education minister also noted current cooperation between the two ministries in areas such as developing interactive content, providing training to raise the efficiency of teachers and administrators, and integrating Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) into the community.
The two ministers discussed the technological transformation in the various stages of education, especially with modern technology and high-speed Internet access to schools.
In the World Economic Forum's latest global competitiveness report, released in 2015, Egypt's education system was positioned in 139th place out of 140 countries.
The country was is ranked at 131 for maths and science education, 120th for innovation and 98th for technological readiness.